by • December 1, 2014 • Akilah t'Zuberi, Akilah's Column, Authors, Blog Categories, UncategorizedComments (0)2544

Recall, Revelations and Recalibrations

Akilah's Column

I would like to say that there was some order to the following 5 vignettes, but there isn’t. These are just the experiences that stand out the most for me. They are experiences that have challenged me, made me question my beliefs, and more importantly, helped me to examine the patterns, and the beliefs behind them, in my behavior in my relationship with myself.


Black and white photo of toddlers

*The reading robin was the favorite way of teaching children to read. Maybe it still is. I don’t know. Children, on the same reading level, sit in a circle and take turns reading aloud from a reader. The photo is of me and my twin sisters.

Old School Compton. These blood moons, squares and conjunctions are really shaking things up, loosening up emotional baggage that I never knew I still carried. One night while I was cleaning up the dishes, I thought of my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Compton. She was “old school.” One day in the reading robin,* a torturous way to teach reading as far as I am concerned, I got stuck on a word. After several failed attempts to pronounce it, “old school” Compton slapped me on the leg and said, “You know that word girl!” I told her that if I knew the word, I would have said it, and since I didn’t, it was her job to tell me. I was ordered to leave the reading circle, a punishment of sorts. I viewed it rather as a release from hell. But the point is, I felt a tinge of anger, some decades later, in 2014, as I stood at the sink washing dishes. Rooting out these suppressed and forgotten experiences is what the energies of the conjunctions and eclipses have assisted me in doing, or nudged me to do. I pictured Mrs. Compton, a beautiful woman, her hair in black tight curls, and thought, there’s still forgiveness work to do; there’s still a lot to let go of.

Hand holding earth

“You are thus, as always, the creator of your reality.”
-A Course of Love.

The Gap is Closing. If I am being observant, and in the present moment (I’m at about 50%), I am aware that the time that transpires between my thoughts and that thought’s expression in my physical reality, is getting shorter and shorter. Now that’s okay when my thoughts are in alignment with my Inner Being, but when they are not, conflict and discord can manifest. Not can. It’s inevitable. We cannot take thoughts back. The way the universe is set up, those thoughts go into something like a thought record book, the Akashic records, a sort of reference of all that has been thought on the planet. We can, however, deactivate a thought, put it out of commission, by not focusing on it again. That comes as a welcome relief when emotions run high and manifestations get a little out of hand.


There is something about the Viking warrior; actually, I should say “a” Viking warrior. I’ve concluded that my feeling is an ancient memory, a past life relationship/experience that has resurfaced, a page out of my soul’s travelogue. I have no specifics, just a feeling. I do wonder where he is, if his soul is safe. I have ceased to resist my curiosity and desire to know, and have welcomed him as an endearing resident in my heart.

Fiction & Non-Fiction. A friend asked me if I read a lot of fiction. The question didn’t come from out of nowhere. It came after I explained what it was that I write about: the shift in consciousness and creating a new earth (“creating a new earth” is usually what prompts a puzzled response). Actually I read very little fiction, except for an occasional Viking romance, I said. Ninety percent of what I read is channeled material. It’s been like this for a while now: A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Ascended Masters, Kyron, Abraham Hicks, Emmanuel, Bashar, Seth, The Jeshua Channelings, transmissions from the Pleidians, Arcturians, and Sirians. When I finished the list, there was dead silence; then comes the question that ends all questions, and seals my fate as a reputable writer of anything. “Who is the author of A Course in Miracles?” Jesus. “Would that be the Jesus of the Bible?” Yep. That’s him.








Two balls of energy

*The current discussion of twin flames and the twin flame reunion was initiated, as far as I know, by Liora. If you would like to know more about this idea go to her website: She also has several videos on YouTube that are very informative.

Twin Flames.* This year, I have read and listened to information about this idea of “twin flames.” This is a soul, from which two energies, feminine and masculine, are created, by Mother-Father God, or whatever name feels most comfortable to you. These two energies then take on embodiment. In other words, there are two energies that have the same soul signature. These twin flames are not necessarily a man and a woman. They could very well be two women, but one will have a predominance of feminine energy and the other the masculine energy. They could also be two men. They are perfectly complimentary, and they can spend lifetimes looking for each other. The shift that is happening in the Universe at this time is inclusive of the introduction of a vibrational frequency, or energy, whose purpose is to reunite, or attract, twin flames. Some point out that the increase in the divorce rate, and the conflict and discord in many intimate relationships is actually the effect of a growing awareness of twin flames and the call for their reunion. This is the call for our movement back into “oneness” in all of our relationships. I have given this idea a lot of thought, and I have felt this frequency; but I haven’t quite come to terms with the idea of a reunion with someone that I haven’t seen in two hundred thousand years. I’m just saying.

Akilah Zuberi

“Within is where you look to your own heart, rather to any other authority, for advice or guidance.” A Course of Love

Time to Live. I have become aware this year that the shifts and changes that I desire in my life experience require that I accept, without conditions, the guidance of the Heart. This is the year, 2014, that I have had enough of the experiences that I’ve created when I have listened and acted on the advice of my thoughts, ignoring the feelings of my heart. This is what is called the final judgment, where we look on the world, and we look within, knowing the difference between “separation consciousness” and “unity consciousness,” and decide, for once and for all, how we want to rock it. So I have had to ask myself, do I take my rightful place as “co-creator,” and create a new earth, or do I lollygag around, hang out on the periphery, going back and forth: Separation or Unity, Akilah? Which will it be, because it can’t be both?

It takes no time to make the decision, but it takes a strong will to practice the decision in time. That is my practice for 2015, and my hope for every man and woman on this planet, that we heal the separation within once and for all. Allow Love to lead the way and peace to prevail.

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