Welcome to the December, 2014 edition of the IWP Shift in Consciousness Ezine. I will not utter one word about the acceleration of time, nor my déjà vu of just sitting down to write the introduction to the December, 2013 edition. All I can say is that 2014 has been a year of shifts. I am summing up my 2014 year experience in my article, “Recall, Revelations and Recalibrations.” In the Guest Blog Spot is Paul Lenda, director and co-founder of SHIFT>*, a social transformation organization, and author of The Creation of the Consciousness Shift. In Science & the Sacred are links for both the trailer and the full-length documentary, Seeds of Death. I don’t think I need to elaborate on what this documentary is all about–the usual culprit. Also in the same section is an article by Shannon Luminance River, who discusses the idea of an original divine consciousness. We are becoming more aware that there is a relationship between societal ills, like the development of GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), and our belief in separation and duality. Shannon explores the return to our natural function as cooperative components in creation. Food & Art is somewhat of a follow-up from October’s edition about the fashion industry’s dependence on cheap labor; this article from Earth 911, “Waterless Dyeing: Cleaning up Fashion,” addresses the shifts in fashion manufacturing to reduce, remediate and hopefully eradicate the toxic chemicals that are wrecking havoc in the environments in manufacturing hotspots like China, India, and Vietnam. In Housing & Living, two friends in Australia turn their van into a mobile laundromat for the homeless. Often, all it takes is for someone to say, “I’m going to do something about this,” for shit, I mean a shift, to happen.
We’re starting to remember who we are, and why we came. We’re creating life anew; we’re changing our diets; we’re eliminating stress from our daily routines; we’re spending more time doing what we love to do. We’re creating new, compassionate, broader based ways to be in relationship, with ourselves, our communities, our loved ones and the planet.
There is divine and joyful unfolding happening here, and it’s just like we knew it would be when we made the decision to come. Have a fabulous holiday season, and a joy-filled New Year, 2015.
~In joy, Akilah
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